
1. はじめに


2. 収集する情報


3. 情報の利用目的


4. 情報の保存期間

 収集した情報は、原則として、上記の利用目的を達成するために必要な期間のみ保存します。 ただし、法令に基づき保存が必要な場合や、正当な権利行使のために必要な場合は、当該期間を超えて保存することがあります。

5. 情報の共有


6. 情報のセキュリティ


7. ユーザーの権利


 これらの権利を行使するには [nakama@mnet.ne.jp] までご連絡ください。

8. プライバシーポリシーの変更


9. お問い合わせ

 プライバシーポリシーに関する質問や懸念がある場合は、[nakama@mnet.ne.jp] までご連絡ください。

[yawyaw] Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy explains how **[yawyaw]** (the "App") collects, uses, manages, and protects user information. By using the App, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

2. Information We Collect

We collect the following information from you:

3. Purpose of Information Use

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

4. Information Retention Period

We will generally retain the information we collect only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes above. However, we may retain information for longer periods as required by law or to protect our rights.

5. Information Sharing

We will not share the information we collect with third parties except in the following cases:

6. Information Security

We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the information we collect from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, or loss.

7. Your Rights

You have the following rights:

To exercise these rights, please contact us at [nakama@mnet.ne.jp].

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy without notice. We will notify you of any changes in the App or on our website.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [nakama@mnet.ne.jp].